Foxfield Permaculture LAND Centre
Foxfield Permaculture LAND Centre

Emergence: Nature Sensing Sessions and One-to-Ones                                      


Give yourself the gift of renewing your connection with Nature, both the natural world without and the vast natural world within. These workshops are designed to place you back into a simple, deepening relationship with the Earth and that part of Earth we carry around with us constantly, our bodies.


Coming home to our inner selves is finding that place of pure being, in contrast to the world of constant activity and thought. Rather than frustratingly trying to quieten our minds,  we will sink deeper into the feeling presence in our bodies, discovering how nature whispers inside us already. Having the confidence to feel and acknowledge this connection is something indigenous cultures have always done, and the aim of sessions is to gently lead  back to an awareness that actually we have never lost, but just covered up with our minds.


Deepening a feeling sensitivity to plants, trees and wildlife develops our ability to be present, with deep awareness and tenderness, to emotional energy held within our bodies. Once acknowledged, long held unresolved emotions can be gently held in the space of natural being and be allowed to resolve just by being held in this awareness, without the need for repeating the stories of the past. This clearing of long held energetic patterns gives new space and freedom for the natural clarity of who we truly are to be revealed - an  'emergence' into our real, and long sought for, empowered authentic Self.


If you know that there is some part of you still 'waiting in the wings'; if you feel that you are constantly talking in your head and not quite able to fully grasp life; if you would like to feel closer to nature, more at peace,  happier and less stressed, then this might be for you!


 Alison Ensor is a qualified Permaculture practitioner and natural empath and medium.  She has a sensitivity to energetic vibration and is passionate about discovering and sharing how we truly communicate and find proper relationship again with nature and by doing so, back to our real Self.


Emergence Nature Sensing Sessions

Dates and time to suit by arrangement

Half days (3 hours)

Full days (10am - 4pm)


These sessions are designed to place you back into a simple, deepening relationship with Nature and that part of Nature we carry around with us constantly, our body. Deepening a feeling sensitivity to plants, trees and wildlife develops our ability to be be aware of any emotional energy held there too. Opening to this embodied listening closes the sense of separation from Nature we often feel when focused on our thinking mind. The body can offer direct and visceral experience of a spacious freedom and natural clarity, which I loosely term an ‘emergence' as it feels like uncovering  our real, authentic natural self. Everyone has this innate ability, we just need help recognising we are always part of Nature and can choose to access the wisdom and wonder it freely offers.


Please bring packed lunch if coming for a full day. Refreshments - teas/coffee/homemade herb teas provided.


Suggested £30 for half day, £60 for full day, or contact me on booking for pay-as-you-can if this is difficult




Emergence: Private One-to-Ones

All year by appointment in person, also available on Skype


Usually following on a from an Emergence Nature Sensing session, but not necessarily so, personal one to ones are designed to work with you on emotional questions or energies that have arisen in response to a developing inner awareness. Gentle guidance back into the inner felt sense enables people to truly allow and find compassionate understanding for things that have previously felt like blocks or barriers. These sessions may involve further plant sensing or may concentrate on the inner experience only, depending on the need. The Roundhouse offers a safe, warm retreat into yourself where things can be finally allowed and accepted without our usual conscious or indeed unconscious resistance to them, enabling a relaxation of the constriction and thus an integration back into the whole.


Personal 'Emergence' sessions can be booked all year and can be tailored to suit your particular interests or requirements, lasting as long as you feel appropriate. These could be a one off or repeating sessions over a few weeks or occasional throughout the year, the flexibility for you to decide what suits is there. Long distance Skype sessions are also available and work surprisingly well.


These are run on a donation basis (entirely depending on your own circumstances and appreciation) with a view to being able to offer free sessions for those who cannot afford to donate. 


Available midweek mornings or afternoons. Please ring or email to discuss if these might be more suited for your needs.




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© Alison Ensor